Gesine Fuchs

2019 Persistenz des «männlichen Ernährermodells» in der schweizerischen ALV

Gesine Fuchs, Lucia M. Lanfranconi, Maria Pilotto, Annelis Bögli (2019): Persistenz des «männlichen Ernährermodells» in der Umsetzung der Schweizerischen Arbeitslosenpolitik: eine explorative Analyse auf mehreren Ebenen. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziale Arbeit 25.19, S. 52 - 70.

Are there mechanisms in the implementation of the Swiss unemployment policy that reinforce gender inequities? We apply a cantonal case study and examine three levels: the macro level legal framework, the institutional meso level (regional placement centres) and the micro level of counselling. Our results show that the legal regulations are explicitly gender-blind, however the dealing with the individual situation of clients, e. g. maternity, is delegated to the counsellors. In a society that is structured by gender this leads to an (implicit) reproduction of traditional gender stereotypes.

