Gesine Fuchs

National Barometer Equality 2021
Focus gainful employment and unpaid care work

Fuchs, Gesine; Lanfranconi, Lucia M.; Abbas, Marina; Eckerlein, Christiane (2021): Nationales Barometer zur Gleichstellung 2021. Fokus «Erwerbsarbeit und unbezahlte Care-Arbeit». Im Auftrag der Schweizerische Konferenz der Gleichstellungsbeauftragten. Bern, Luzern.

Three years after the first barometer on equality, the second barometer with a focus on gainful employment and unpaid care work shows that the respondents are much more critical of the status of equality than they were three years ago. This is particularly true for the areas of family, gainful employment and politics. Women are clearly more critical than men.

Women who simultaneously care for children and relatives as well as single mothers and fathers have difficulties in reconciling work and family life. The preferred family models are undergoing significant change. Only 10 percent of the men and 11 percent of the women surveyed still prefer the traditional breadwinner model (man works full-time, woman as carer at home). The Corona pandemic has exacerbated already existing pressures. Regardless of household forms, women are more challenged. The respondents' assessments of possible positive long-term consequences of the Corona pandemic with regard to gainful and unpaid care work are only moderate.

A clear majority of all respondents would like to see the possibility of job sharing, part-time work at all hierarchical levels, as well as flexible working hours. The approval for equal career opportunities and equal pay for women and men is even higher.

When asked what they would like to see in their own individual life situation with regard to care work, the respondents most frequently mention "division of labour between partners", "more time" and "social recognition". The ideas put forward by the respondents themselves on what could be done for gender equality in care work also show a broad spectrum of answers at all levels - politics, economy and society.

English summary will follow if there is enough time available.



Barometer deutsch

Baromètre français

Italiano: L’essenziale in breve – Conclusione